Hi! I’m Rusty! My wife, Tammy, and I have grown up in Cleveland County. We’ve built a business here. We’ve built a family here. It’s been a lifelong goal of mine to serve as County Commissioner, and I’m excited to have you on board!
One of my proudest accomplishments is the success of my children. Whitney and her husband, Ryan Tatum, live in Norman where they own Studio Tatum, an Interior and Exterior Design firm. Ryan also works as the Chief Financial Officer of Tatum Homes in SW OKC. Taylor and his wife, Kensey, live on our family farm in Noble. Taylor is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and my partner in Grissom Landscape Nursery and Kensey is a nurse for Noble Public Schools. I'm so proud of his service to our country and that he's continuing our family business and farm. My pride and joy has been becoming a Grandpa. Taylor and Kensey have Holden (22 Months) and Ryan and Whitney have Drake (19 months).
Occupation & Facts
Grissom Landscape Nursery
- Owner since 1985 (37 years)
Lifelong resident of Cleveland County District 3
Boards & Memberships
Cornerstone Fellowship Church Member 1989 to Present
Oklahoma Electric Cooperative Board Member 2001 - Present
Board President - 2 Terms
Cleveland County Fair - Board Member
OEC Fiber - Board Member 2017 - Present
Instrumental in inception
27,000 Subscribers
Western Farmers Electric Cooperative - Board Member 2004 - Present
Noble Chamber of Commerce - Member
National Federation of Independent Business - Member
Accreditations & Recognitions
Credentialed Cooperative Director (by National Rural Electric Cooperative Association)
Board Leadership Certificate (by National Rural Electric Cooperative Association)
Volunteerism & Civic Involvement
Noble Fire & Police Supporter
Noble Public Schools Supporter
4-H & FFA Booster
High Cedar Living Home Supporter