While it's been a lifelong goal of mine to run for Commissioner, I'm finally at a place in my life where I feel led to make the step. My son and I are partners in my business, Grissom Landscape Nursery, and he has stepped up in a big way to allow me the flexibility to pursue this position.
I'm running because I'm a big advocate and supporter of our community. The District 3 community has a wide spread, and it's clear to me that we need representation for all of it's citizens and we need transparency for all of your taxpayer dollars.
I'm running because I know there needs to be a change. I'm not a politician, just a concerned business owner looking to make that change. We need to move away from career politicians, and I feel that it is my service to the community to step up and fill this position.
It's a humbling experience to hit the campaign trail with my family at my side, and I'd like to continue to set an example of a servant's heart to my children and grandchildren.
Join me in my campaign to bring change to Cleveland County. Vote Rusty Grissom on June 28th!
